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Koorasadan waxaad ku baranaysaa Shan qaybood oo aad Muhiim ugu ah barashada Linux ka, sida
Understand the Linux and open source industry and knowledge of the most popular open source Applications
Understand the major components of the Linux operating system
Gain the technical proficiency to work on the Linux command line
Gain a basic understanding of security and administration in Linux
Understand how to work with users, groups, and permission in Linux
sidoo kale koorasadani waxay kaa caawinaysa inaad si fudud ku qaadato LPI Linux Essentials (010-160) certification exam.
koorasadan maxaad ka helaysaa intaad baranaysid:
Video casharo si qoto dheer uga hadlaya barashada linux ka iyo tusaalayaal la xidhiidha goobta shaqadda
Waxaad halaysaa material ka la socda koorasadan oo dhamaystiran cashar walba oo practical ah
Koorasadan module walaba waxaa la socda practical questions si loo hubiyo fahan ka koorasadan
Gunaanad ka koorasda waxa lasocda One Big full-length practice question kaa caawinaya in aad tijaabiso fahan kaaga guud ee kooraskan.
3Introduction of Operating System5:36
This lesson provides a brief introduction to operating system, what it is, and how it is used in the workplace.
4Types of Operating System2:45
This lesson provides a brief introduction to types of operating system, and there usage, and how it is used in the different devices.
5What Is a KernelPreview 2:40
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa waxa uu yahay kernel ku OS-ka
6Introduction to Linux3:00
Introduction to linux, breif introduction to linux OS
7Linux Distributions2:48
Introduction to Linux Distributions, fahan waxa uu yahay Linux Distributions
8Distribution Life Cycle2:58
You learn this lesson to Distribution Life Cycle, marxaladaha ay maraan marka Linux Distribution la soo saarayo
9Comparing Distributions4:00
Learn Linux difference between Distributions
10Embedded Systems2:09
Learning what is Embeded System and how linux OS help
11Hardware Requirements2:14
Cashar kan waxaad ku baranaysaa Hardware Requirements aad u baahan tahay si aad u isticmaasho linux OS
12Installing Linux4:20
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa qaabka aad installation u samayn lahad Vmware-workstation-17-Pro iyo Linux-OS Ubuntu Desktop
13OS Differences2:15
Cashar kan waxaad si wacan ugu baranaysaa kala duwanaanta Operating system (OS) Ka.
14Evaluation of Linux Quiz5 questionsQuiz One, Evaluation of Linux.
15What is Open Source?3:06
Cashar kan waxaad ku baranaysaa Waxa uu yahay Opensource ?
16Cost of Open Source4:43
Cashar kan waxaad ku baranaysaa Cost of Open Source, Kharashaadka ku baxa Opensource Software (OSS) marka Shirkaduhu isticmaalayaan
17Desktop and Server Distros3:07
Kala duwanaanta linux OS ka marka lagu isticmaalayo servers ka iyo Desktops ka ayaad ku baranaysaa casharkan.
18Package Installs and Repositories9:47
Cashar kan waxaad ku baranaysaa qaabka package installation ka loo sameeyo linux OS iyo waxa uu yahay package.
19Open-Source Applications Quiz4 questionsQuiz Two, Open-Source Applications
20Linux Desktop Environment4:10
This lesson you will learn Linux Desktop Environment GUI
21Programs and Software3:40
This lesson will learning Programs and Software
22Managing Software Packages3:26
Cashar kan waxaad ku baranaysaa linux Managing Software Packages
23The Linux Environment Quiz3 questionsThe Linux Environment Quiz
24Basic ShellPreview 2:42
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa Hordhaca Linux Shell iyo waxa uu yahay
25Command Line Syntax5:43
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa Command Line Syntax in Linux OS
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa fahanka Variables-ka linux OS. waa bilowga varibales ka.
Quoting in Linux cashar kan waxa uu yahay Quoting ku iyo sida loo isticmaalo linux ka ayaad ku baranaysaa
28Proper Command Usage4:26
Practical Lesson qaab ka aad commands ka u isticmaali lahayd Proper Command Usage
29Man and Info Pages4:16
Qaabka aad u isticmaali lahayd commands ka caawimaada ah ee linux OS Man and Info Pages
30The Command Line Quiz6 questionsThe Command Line Quiz
31Introduction to Linux Filesystem2:50
Bilow-ga Fahan ka qaabka uu u dhisan yahay Linux Filesystem ku ayaad ku baranaysaa casharkan
32Linux Filesystem Key Features6:54
This lesson you will learn Linux Filesystem Key Features
33Navigating Files and Directories3:47
This lesson you learn how to Navigating Files and Directories in linux OS
34File Creation and Management4:11
Leaning how to create Files in linux and how to manage Files
35Creating Links10:32
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa Qaabka loo sameeyo links ( Soft Links, Hard Links ) Linux OS. Iyo waxa ay yihiin links linux Os-ka.
36Wildcards and Case Sensitivity7:11
You will learn this lesson Wildcards and Case Sensitivity in Linux OS
37Manipulating Directories5:34
You will learn this lesson how to Manipulating Directories in linux OS
38Manipulating Files and Directories18:18
This practical lesson you will learn How to Manipulating Files and Directories in Linux OS
39Directories and Files Quiz12 questionsDirectories and Files Quiz, Kawada shaqee,
40Command Line Pipes2:50
Learning how linux command line pipes work
41I/O Redirection3:28
Learning IO Redirections in linux OS
42Piping and Redirection8:53
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa Piping and Redirection in linux OS Practical
43Basic Regular Expressions3:21
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa fahanka Aasaaska Regular Expressions ka linux OS
44Archiving Files9:17
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa linux archive sida ZIP iyo TAR Commands in linux OS
45Archiving Files Practical6:26
Practical lesson for Archiving Files
46Data Search and Extraction7:52
Practical lesson Data Search and Extraction
47Search and Extracting Data from Files and Archiving Quiz7 questionsSearch and Extracting Data from Files and Archiving Quiz
48Text Files and Text Editors2:43
Barashada linux test files and text editors, sida vim, nano
49Using Vi and Nano8:13
Barashada Vim Text Editor
50Beginning a Shell Script5:58
Barashada bilawga shell script
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa linux Commands in lagu isticmaalo shell scripting ka
Barashada Linux Arguments in shell scripts
Barashada Linux variables in shell script
54Conditional Expressions14:18
Casharkan waxaad si xeel dheer ugu baranaysaa Conditional Expressions in linux shell script
55Loops and Functions13:49
Barashada Loops and Functions in linux shell scripts
56Exit Value8:30
Barashada Linux Exit Value in shell script
57Turning Commands into a Script10:25
Practical Turning Commands into a Script
58Scripting Basics Quiz12 questionsScripting Basics Quiz
59Package Management Principles6:43
This lesson you will learn introduction to Package Management Principles
60Package Management Systems10:30
This lesson you will learn linus Package Management Systems
61Using RPM and DEB7:03
Cashar kan waxaad ku baranaysaa qaabka linux application installation loo samayn lahaa adoo isticmaalaya centos iyo ubuntu OS
62Process Hierarchy8:07
Casharkan waxad ku baranaysaa linux OS Process Hierarchy
63Identifying Running Processes11:00
Cashar kan waxaad ku baranaysaa qaabka loo helo loona baadho linux process Identifying Running Processes
64Measuring Memory Use4:47
You will learn this lesson how to measuring linux OS Memory and get application using more memory
65Log Files6:23
This lesson you will learning linux log files and deamons in linux OS.
66The Kernel Ring Buffer3:49
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa Linux Kernel Ring Buffer
67Processes and Process Data Quiz9 questionsProcesses and Process Data Quiz
68Network Features8:50
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa network features.
69Configuration a Network Connection5:49
This lesson you will learn Configuration a Network Connection
70Network Test4:34
This lesson you will learn how to test network
71Network Protection3:04
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa Network Protection
72Connecting to a Network6:27
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa Qaabkaad Network ga ugu xidhi lahayd computer kaaga Linux OS
73Networking Basics Quiz4 questionsNetworking Basics Quiz
74Understanding User Accounts5:43
Understanding User Accounts Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa linux Users ka.
75Account Security3:32
Linux accounts securtiy
76Understanding Groups5:22
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa fahanka Linux Groups ka
77Using Account Tools4:46
Using Account Tools in Linux OS
78Creating Accounts from the Shell6:45
Casharkan waxaad ku baranaysaa sida loo sameeyo users ka linux OS adiga oo isticmaalaya shell ama command line
79Modifying and Deleting Accounts11:45
Cashar-kan waxaad ku baranaysaa practical ka Modifying and Deleting Accounts in Linux OS
80Managing Groups6:7
Practical Managing Groups in Linux OS
81Working as root6:56
Working as root in Linux OS
82User Accounts and Groups Quiz8 questionsUser Accounts and Groups Quiz
83Setting Ownership9:38
Undertanding linux Ownership
84Setting Ownership in the Shell4:11
Practical lesson Setting Ownership in the Shell
85Understanding Permissions6:56
What is a Permissions in linux you will learn this lesson.
86Permission Strings and Setting the umask11:16
Learning this lesson linux Permission Strings and Setting the umask
87Using Sticky Bits4:59
Using Sticky Bits in Linux OS
88Using Special Execute Permissions10:59
This lesson you will learn Using Special Execute Permissions in Linux OS
89Hiding Files and Directories4:36
Hiding Files and Directories in linux OS
90Setting Permissions7:51
Practical lab Setting Permissions in linux OS
91Managing File Ownership and Permission Quiz10 questionsManaging File Ownership and Permission Quiz
Salaam, Dhamaan,
Dhamaan ardayda course ka LINUX ESSENTIAL LPI (010-160), Si aad u tijaabisan fahan kiina course ka waxaad ka shaqaysan Module walba quiz kiisa.
Aydayga ka hooseeya 80% Final Quize Exam ka u danbeeya waxa ku adkaanaysa in uu helo cerificate.