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Microsoft Office Complete Course | All in one

Microsoft Office is one of the most used software worldwide. Microsoft Office has many products mainly Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint ... Show more
90 Students enrolled
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Koorsadan waxaa loogu tala galay qofka doonaya inuu hada bilaabo barashada software-rada Microsoft office-ka si aas aas ah, xirfada aad kubarananyso koorsadaan waxaa kamid ah, isticmaalka Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, iyo Excel, mid walba qaab asaasa ilaa heer sare. ama biggener to advance.

This MS office course is divided into the following sections:

1. Microsoft Word
2. Microsoft PowerPoint
3. Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office Word

Qaybtan Waxaad ku baran doontaa aasaaska sida loo adeegsado software ka Ms office Word 2021, Waxaad ku baranysaa sida loo sameeyo dukumiintiyada adoo isticmaalaya basic text, paragraph, page formatting, mail merge, graphics, styles, table of contents, iyo indexing.

Microsoft Office PowerPoint

Qaybtan waxaad ku baranysaa addeegsiga powerpoint ka iyo samaynta presentayshano tayo sare leh xirfada ad ku baranyso waxa ka mid ah qaybtan asaaska isticmalka Ms office powerpoint sida Slide layout, shapes and Objects, alignment and grouping, transitions and animations, slide zoom iyo xirfada kaloo fara badan. xirfad walba waxaad ku qadanaysaa qaab practical ah.

Microsoft Office Excel

Qabtan Waxaad ku barandoontaa aasaaska sida loo adeegsado software ka Excel 2021, Waxaad kalo Barandoontaa sida loo sameeyo data enter and organize data, perform calculations with simple functions, work with multiple worksheets, format the appearance of your data and cells, and build charts and PivotTables.
Waxaad kaloo sifiican u fahmi doontaa sida ugu wanaagan oo loo adeegsado tools ka cusub ee lasocda Microsoft Excel 2021.

Who this course is for:

    • Students, Teachers or Researchers

    • Data Entry Operators

    • Content Writers

    • Proofreaders

    • Business or Corporate sector employees

    • Engineers & Auditors

    • Data Scientists & Data Analysts

    • Any one who wants to Master the Microsoft Office